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Сочинение на тему: Значение науки в жизни человека Сочинение на тему: Книга, которую я бы посоветовал другу прочитать

Sir Charlz Spenser ИЛИ Charli Chaplin

the universal master of a cinema, the founder of one of the best-known images of world cinema — an image of the vagabond of Charlie who has appeared in short comedies, put on a stream in the 1910th years on Kistoun’s film studio. Chaplin actively used pantomime and buffoonery receptions though since 1920th years in his creativity began to pass much more serious social subjects, than it was in the early period of short cinema. Since April, 1914 Chaplin began to act as the director and the scriptwriter of the majority of movies with own participation, since 1916 he also was a producer of movies, and with 1918 — wrote music.

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